Digital module MP5-DS is most expanded controller of trailers light which was designed particularly for caravans (also with "own" battery) equiped with standard and LED lamps. Module provide:
- when trailer was connected - the sound confirmation of it detection;
- steering of FOG light by sequential method (is possible to switch off FOG light on car leaving lighting on trailer);
- has an output for deactivate signalling of rear parking sensors when trailer is connected (can be required to use PDC... modules);
- properly working with PWM steering of lamps in car (when by one wire are controlled two lights - eg. "STOP light" and "tail light");
- has function an intelligent charging of caravans battery.
When module MP5-DS is connected properly (according to installation diagram - on inputs side) then malfunction of directions lights of trailer will be signalled by faster blinking of directions lights of car.
The cabling of kit has separate fuses for folowing circuits:
- 10A - trailer lighting,
- 10A - fixed power supply of trailer,
- 10A - charging trailer's battery,
- 1A - voltage control of car installation.
In addition MP5-DS-G13 module have an information functions (using separate tri-colour LED) for signalling:
- connection of the trailer;
- damaging the directions lights on the trailer;
- switching-on fog light on the trailer;
- loading of trailer battery.
NOTE: New generation module MP5-DS shouldn't be used as replacement with previous generation module MP5S (also with "old" cables/wiring).
Product requires to be installed by specialized workshop - read here.
- Main control unit 1 pc
- Main cable harness (to the socket) 1 pc
- Socket G13 1 pc
- Power cable harness 1 pc
- Power cable harness with fuse (x4) holder 1 set
- Signal cables harness 1 pc
- Information LED indicator (3-colours) 1 pc
- Screw set 1 set
- Mounting set 1 set
- Connections diagram 1 pc